
Foreshore verse from Surrey Docks Farm project
This is a list of items found on the foreshore alongside Surrey Docks Farm. See this page to read the text.
(Recording by Jeremy Tranter.)
Click here to listen:

The Rise and Fall of the Lower Hope
Reaches and Features of the Thames Estuary
Featured on The Guardian Online, June 2008
Click on this link to the recording:

Speaking Stops
The language of pipe organs
A list of stop names and terminology from church organs and theatre organs.
This recording is from a live performance at St Pancras Old Church, with Veryan Weston improvising
on the church's organ. (Thanks to Simon Williams and Steve Moyes for the recording).
Click here to listen: https://soundcloud.com/user-679287842/speaking-stops-featuring-veryan-weston
Germander Speedwell