Below: a couple of the animal information boards designed as part of the World of Difference project

Below: my 'playfully-educational' signs; the Arthropod Apartments sign was for the 'insect hotel' constructed of wooden pallets, and the Avian Cafe sign was by the birdfeeders in the Wildlife Garden.

Germander Speedwell
Surrey Docks Farm
Germander's long-standing association with Surrey Docks Farm began when she was Writer-in-Residence 2010-2011, during which she wrote Foghorns and Subsongs, which has been printed as a booklet, available from the Farm Shop.
Following this she won a place on the Vodafone World of Difference programme to continue her work at the farm between March and June 2012. As part of this she organised activities to get people of all ages involved in exploring the farm and its site and create new written work from the findings, conducted a survey of the farm's natural history, and designed new animal information boards (see examples further down this page).
In 2013-14 she devised and led a Heritage Lottery Funded project to explore the historic site which the farm occupies, and in 2016-17 she ran a futher project, Piecing Together Our Past. See below for all links.

Surrey Docks Farm: www.surreydocksfarm.org.uk

Foghorns and Subsongs was written during Germander's initial residency at the farm - see the Foghorns and Subsongs page for more info and sample verses.
See the Farm Foreshore Foraging page for the verse that was written using participants' findings as part of the World of Difference project, and photos of the fascinating objects found on the farm's Thames foreshore.
See the illustrated results of the Natural History Survey, carried out as part of the World of Difference project.
See the results of the projects researching the history of the Farm's site.